2009年1月21日 星期三


in 3100 BC have a people called Sumerians. they have they word. in 3000 BC they can wite. They have built the big temple, calls ziggurats . now people think they become to Iraq people. they became to fight, there have some rock to fight.i don't do any thing in there only look this page . i learn this people lift the picture 1 is about the book about sumer .
this is about sumerians people to make temple. they put there God inside it very tall . like picture 2 . it is in 3000~5000bc . they are not bell rock. they want it be Sha Bao. it very strange. it big this websit is about they make house like us they smart in this i don't do any only read.
http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/westasia/environment/index.htm they live in hear it very hot, it like Desert, but have river . now 12,000 it change they farm . they Delivers Tigris the water . some place have gress . it have moutin to . so this people can live . The warm another function was the melting glacier increased a complete water rose Mediterranean Sea to the world sea and the sea level in 7000bc have big change picture3. i learn th people is smart they try to live in the world i even don't do any thing in this page.

2009年1月13日 星期二

The biginning of agriculture

this websit is about the people is farm 12,000 years ago. you know why beause we need find food to eat . in befor the lot thing can't find so every became to farm. in befor no computer , tv .... so they use rock to make farm . the picture is how they make . this websit talk to me a lot we must to do all thing foe self. can't always ask some one .
in befor is more big then other people. prople farm. the king eat every years is sam. so people every day must work hart. they help who? not they self they help there kimg . they poor king became rich . alkl the king only need to eat.the king want more big place they need to fight die people is not king is our. this websit is tell me to every do want thing or talk some is help we can't be angry or sad.picture i think is help king farm people.
this website is fun. it have a music. it about farm animals. you can chose 1 anmails it have ture picture. i chose dog it name call puppy. we don't now her true name so every one call her puppy. she live with a man. she like to walk with tom. this website tell me anmails is our helrers so we need good for they to. picture 3 is farm picture 4 is puppy .

2009年1月6日 星期二

Huter and gutherer myths

this story called Place of the Prickly Pear Cactus. it about The ancient Aztecs have lot Goddess. every Goddess have their work. they use people to give the Goddess to eat. they want have theirself city. they take snake to find Eagle to be they new house . now they think they goddesses is wondful they don't think it is falst . this is talk to us we can't use people to be goddesses food but they always think goddesses is ture is good .

Hunter and gutherer Myths

this story called Child of Water and Little Blue Rock How the Apache Found Good Luck. it about in the earth live 4 monster. they will eat people have one monster want to eat the water son and his mother . the water son said. we play one game and who win the food must give win people. moster say ok the game is you have 4 Sword who can kell other one . the boy kell the moster . everyone was happy . who moster come to vist to the boy they will lose. this story talk to us about bad always will lose so we must be good.

2009年1月3日 星期六

Hunter and gutherer Myths

this story called Clever Coyote A Comanche Buffalo Myth. It about have a monster. He toke every buffalo. and have one coyote ask every to took back all buffalo. everyone no said somehing beacuse they fear monster.
coyote said the monster live with a boy . the people tell coyote ew can't hit the boy. coyote give boy a mouth but he don't like it. then he give a bird for he but it not goo too. he think it can give itself to the boy then he went to monster. moster don't like it so moster want to eat it. the all cow run away monster run after the cow,but all people is in outside the moster die. this story tell us to be more smart you must Sacrifice youself to help you people.