2008年10月25日 星期六


http://www.ted.com/ http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/kristen_ashburn_s_heart_rending_pictures_of_aids.html 1.I watched this movic . it is about Africa people . she went to Africa . she see Africa people is Thin . beacuse their no food and water . every day their die lot people . in this movie have lot Picture . they eat Insect drank Urine . the girl don't have Chest . i learn about we is more Happy then they . we all fat to them every day have food and water . we have chest to . and we can life is more then they . our house is good then they . so we need to Knows the luck to be grateful .
the Hyla arborea have red eyes . the Especially Germany very like
this hyla arborea . in 3.8 1,000,000,000 years they remarkable information engine driving nature Deoxyribonucleic acid And that any meaning in ours future. and lot thing is we to make . our Wisdom can change any thing be better . i learn about change any thing to new kind . we wisdon is better the other thing . use our wisdon can make this word be brtter and beautful .
Yochai Benkler we call it Wealth network . we want to work fast we need to like bee they one people do one work it will be fast . and this about our love we want to have baby is father and mother . Richard Baraniuk devised thousands teacher possibly contributes one kind of free global sex education system. i learn it about the life every have work we can't said we don't want do .
NO.1 . i look this movic
NO.2 . hyla arborea
NO.3. bee

2008年10月21日 星期二

Home Erectus

this site is about fire . the fire is Pulls human Erectus found . Pulls human Erectus is not smart that us they brain is we 50% fire is hot . animal is fear fire . so they don't worry about it will eat them . and they will use fire cook food it will eat yummy .
fire it can make you house turn to ruins . but fire is good to it can cook . it can make thing . fire need to 3 importen thing air a flash point and burnable .
Pulls human erectus brain find in befor . they use clouse . they use fire cook boy find food . and girl look baby .

2008年10月5日 星期日

Hunter and Gatherers

This website is about food in befor. in Original ancient times time no
one can use fire and no Supermarket can buy food . so they use Going hunting , go sishing , Picks the fruit and The people gather the grain
to have a food . Approximately 10,000 BC Neolithic time . the people Farming but they still pick the mushroom, the herb, the berry, the apple, the pear, the Chinese olive and the nut. I learn it about food and now some one still have people farming , pick nut apple ...... . but this all thing is not every one do it but have some body to do . now all thing is The division of labor gathers does . so now have supermarket is more Convenient then befor . now is use money to buy thing befor By thing Yi Wu . The time change is extremely fast . now people is smart . all thing will be better . the word is wate us to change .
The Book Selling:
this website is about The Hittites . Hittites is smart Tribal grouping tribal group . they moves to South entered Turkey neighbor 2000 BC . they come with Turlogh that person moves into Troy and The Greek moves into Greece is same time .Hittites people is first do horse car and Open truck . but Hittites went troy and greece they horse car and open trcck Spreading over And west Asia enters Egypt . Possibly about in 1500 BC hittites can Iron-smelting Manufacture weapon Hittite kingdom collapse neighbor 1200 BC . no one know why some people said is Environment not good . and very fast Asia states the human vulgar and the quite very quick Jew can make the hard tool. I learn it about Hittites life . and they Invention . i know now we use any thing is some people make . we must Treasures all .
In 650 BC Ancient literary style period . Greek soldiers all is boy The woman does not permit is soldier . they all wear Armor . They practice an army to need to spend many time .
Nobody fight, does not use the shield helmet and armor . but it is very expensive . they all are Ordinary soldier some one can't buy armor . and They and fight Persian at period Persia war. I learn about fight you must wear some can Protection body armor . and war is not good it will have people die . and i know greek have fight with persian . this website late me know lot history . this website is good the us .
Picture 1: it is a nut .
Picture 2~4 : it is book for sell
picture 5:hittites
picture 6 : Shield platoon