the Hyla arborea have red eyes . the Especially Germany very like
this hyla arborea . in 3.8 1,000,000,000 years they remarkable information engine driving nature Deoxyribonucleic acid And that any meaning in ours future. and lot thing is we to make . our Wisdom can change any thing be better . i learn about change any thing to new kind . we wisdon is better the other thing . use our wisdon can make this word be brtter and beautful .
Yochai Benkler we call it Wealth network . we want to work fast we need to like bee they one people do one work it will be fast . and this about our love we want to have baby is father and mother . Richard Baraniuk devised thousands teacher possibly contributes one kind of free global sex education system. i learn it about the life every have work we can't said we don't want do .
NO.1 . i look this movic
NO.2 . hyla arborea
NO.3. bee